Love List October 2014

posted by yazmin

Whew! October was CRAZY! It was filled with lots of fall activities, house projects, and a huge life event.  My stress meter has been through the roof and there is a part of me that is happy to wave goodbye to October.

Love List October 2014

While parts of the month were stressful, not all things were bad in October. Here are a few of my favorite things loved in October.

Fall Family Pictures


If you follow me on Facebook then you have already seen some of my pictures from my recent family photo shoot. We took them at the park where Chris and I got engaged and the leaves were at their peak. I’m usually the one behind the camera so it’s nice to capture this time as a family. I can’t wait to order some prints.

Listing Our House for Sale

House for Sale

Having a family of five means we are running out of room in our current house FAST! We’ve been patiently waiting for the perfect house to come on the market and we think we finally found the ONE. It meets all of the criteria on our dream home wishlist. We’ve been busy doing home improvements to make our current house more marketable and finally listed it for sale. The whole experience is bittersweet and stressful but I know it will all be worth it when we’re in our new forever home.

Toddlers Are A**holes

Sadly, it’s been a long time since I read a real book cover-to-cover. Most of my days are filled reading board books or BabyCenter articles but Toddlers Are A**Holes was a nice change to the repetitive text that I’ve become used to. It’s a humorous way to think of the little people who have taken over my house. Obviously I’m not alone in my fight against toddlers.

Jamberry Nails

Jamberry Nails

My sister-in-law has recently become an independent consultant for Jamberry Nails.  She’s been raving about the product, so I figured I’d give it a try. Now I’m not known for getting weekly manicures. My hands are mostly seen scrubbing sippy cups rather than showing off the latest OPI color. I just don’t see the point in spending money on a manicure that will last only a few days, and don’t get me started on painting my own nails! Jamberry nail wraps were surprisingly easy to put on. I’m sure the more you experience you have, the better the result. They are also super durable which makes them a perfect choice for busy moms, and with all the cute designs they add a little flair to my every day.


Frozen Costumes 2014

One of the beautiful things about having children is that you get to relive some of your favorite moments through them. I forgot how exciting Halloween was before I had children of my own. This year my little ones dressed up as the characters from Frozen. It was an obvious choice. The girls had a great time trick-or-treating and I rewarded myself with one (or two) of the Almond Joys from their bag!

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